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Featuring... Megan's

Featuring... Megan's


Megan’s is a real treat for brunch lovers and those looking for a unique food offering. With a menu that’s full of classic meals as well as dishes inspired by sunny places, the experience at Megan’s is an exciting and special one. But how the restaurant came to be what it is today is an interesting story… 

Don’t eat the antiques!

When Megan’s first opened in 2002, it was originally an antique shop. Megan, the owner, sold homemade sweet treats in her shop, originally with the intention to keep her peckish visitors satisfied. The treats included cakes, gluten-free brownies, and Megan’s famous sea salt and Nutella cookies. They were such a hit that Megan decided to say goodbye to the antiques, and open a homely café. However, in 2014, she had to move back to New Zealand so made the decision to sell to a guest that frequented the little eatery. Now, a Mediterranean-inspired menu has joined the baked goods, and Megan’s has expanded to several locations across London. (All of which are dog-friendly!)

Ingrained in the community

Community is in every part of Megan’s story, from the café being handed over to a frequent customer, to the continuous work it does to aid the people around it. This summer, they donated £500 to Off the Record in Twickenham, Battersea Cats & Dogs Home, and Many Tears Rescue each. They’ve also raised thousands of pounds for local schools, and have currently raised £16,212 for their new partner charity, Shooting Star Children's Hospices. There is always good being done at Megan’s – and with their delightful food and drink offering, you’ll feel good, too!

Where you can visit

Location: 21 branches all across London

Who can visit: Check the brief – this changes frequently

Reimbursement: £17.50 per person before midday, £20 per person after midday, £30 per person after 6pm

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