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Featuring... Wingstop

Featuring... Wingstop

Wingstop food


Buffalo style chick-wing restaurant, Wingstop opened their first ever restaurant in Texas in 1994 and since franchising in 1997, they now have over 1500 restaurants across the US, Mexico, Columbia, Panama, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, France, UAE and the UK. With 13 eat-in restaurants and 5 delivery-only kitchens across the UK, it’s hardly surprising that by 2022, Wingstop had sold a whopping 1 billion wings!


So, why are they so popular? Well, flavour is everything to Wingstop so they have 10 wet and dry rubs to choose from - they even have a sliding heat scale on their website to help you decide which to go for, as well as a ‘wing calculator’ which helps you narrow down your options depending on whether you just fancy a snack, you’re hungry or starving! And don’t forget the dip… choose from ranch, blue cheese or honey mustard.

Guests can also enjoy their wings, boneless or tenders with a selection of sides including their hand seasoned fries with their famous ‘Wingstop style’, lemon pepper or cajun seasoning. Finish off with some Oreo or Lotus Biscoff churros and you’re in food coma heaven.

Wingstop even have their own Spotify playlist full of Wingstop house classics – you can check it out here.


With your help, we are proud to continue to support Wingstop with their guest experience. Why not treat yourself and start enjoying Wingstop on us?

Who can visit? 1-2 adults

Reimbursement: Up to £15 for all visit types


For eat-in/takeaway/click and collect visits

Bluewater shopping centre

Bristol Cabot Circus


Edinburgh St James Quarter

Gloucester road


Birmingham Bullring

For eat-in/takeaway visits (no click and collect)

Reading Oracle

Manchester Piccadilly

Cambridge Circus

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