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National Eat What You Want Day

National Eat What You Want Day

Food Fast Presentation 1

Today is National Eat What You Want Day which was created to help people break away from frustrating health and diet trends - a day worth celebrating for a bunch of foodies… not that we needed an excuse!

So, whether you fancy heading out to a posh restaurant, re-creating your favourite childhood meal, or pigging out on junk food, we wanted to give you a bit of inspiration so have asked team HGEM what they plan on eating today. We have a right old mix so hopefully there’s something that takes your fancy if you’re looking to try something new!

Lauren - One massive cheese board! Followed by all the chocolate desserts :)

Annabelle - Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream!! ☺❤ ❤

Tanisha - Vanilla panna cotta tart topped with fresh fruit. The dessert I chose for my wedding - I had two 😂!

Steven - Rich dark chocolate mousse. Mmmm!

Sue - Linda McCartney's Vegan Duck Pancakes are my go-to treat.

Hannah – Chicken, olive, pesto & goats cheese pizza. Haribo Tangfastics never go amiss either!

Rebecca - Tiramisu, all the way!

Samantha - A sherry trifle with super thick custard!

Chloe - Marmite on toast all day!

Grace - Super crispy roast potatoes or creme brulee! Can't decide so why not both!

Chloe - A perfectly cooked medium rare steak (with triple cooked chips and creamed spinach)

Ghervana - Nachos and guac all day long!! 😍

Sandra - A really good selection of cheese and crackers!

Richard - Full variety BBQ on a warm summers evening - preferably on/near a tropical beach somewhere 😎

Emily - Mac 'n' cheese is the one! 😍

Georges - Every cake in Mrs Potts chocolate house

Jess - Gotta also go for a medium-rare steak! Cooked just right there is nothing tastier! 😍

Ash - A full on Texas/Carolina BBQ feast including, but not limited to:

  • Low n slow BBQ ribs
  • Burnt brisket ends.
  • Pulled pork
  • Fresh fennel ‘slaw
  • Mac n Cheese
  • Corn bread
  • Pickles (with red onion!)
  • Root beer float
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